Heteronormativity and barriers to successful career interventions: An exploratory study
Heteronormativity, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, LGBT, Equality, Diversity, Career practitioner attitudesAbstract
This paper reports on the findings of a small-scale action research study. The aim of the research was to examine the extent to which heteronormative bias exists amongst a small sample of career practitioners. This was explored within the context of a simulated one-to-one consultation which research participants viewed online. A central question for the research was the extent to which practitioners operated from a heteronormative perspective and the potential impact this could have on ‘LGB/T’ clients. The main finding from the research was that the majority of participants seemed to operate through such a lens which could have detrimental consequences for clients. Whilst the research has its limitations and the findings cannot be generalised, it raises important questions both for future research and practice.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Kristan Hopkins, Liane Hambly
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