About the Journal
The National Institute for Career Education and Counselling (NICEC) is a learned society for reflective practitioners in the broad field of career education, career guidance/counselling and career development. This includes individuals whose primary role relates to research, policy, consultancy, scholarship, service delivery or management. NICEC seeks to foster a transdisciplinary dialogue focused on career development in all settings. The Institute is based in the United Kingdom, but attracts international fellows and members. Further information about NICEC is available at https://www.nicec.org/
Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling is informally referred to as ‘the NICEC Journal’. Its former title was Career Research and Development: the NICEC Journal, ISSN 1472-6564, published by CRAC, and the final edition under this title was issue 25. To avoid confusion, we have retained the numbering of issues used under the previous title.
The Career Development Institute (CDI) is the professional body for career development, supporting UK and international members in all areas of careers work and championing the profession with governments, employers and the public. As part of its focus on high standards, the CDI is proud to sponsor this Journal. Further information about the CDI and its membership options is available here: https://www.thecdi.net/Home
The Journal is open access, and articles are freely available to all. Authors may share their articles via their own web pages or university repository. There are no fees to authors for article submission and publication.
The journal is listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)