Emerging insights from a peer-to-peer social justice careers education programme


  • Maithili Pittea
  • Asra Saqib
  • Laura Oxley
  • Helen Coulshed




Higher education, career education, career learning, social justice, peer-to-peer


The Inclusive Careers Education Ambassador (ICEA) programme at King’s College London was designed to focus on the careers education experience of historically underrepresented groups in UK higher education. The project has been co-created and delivered by staff and students within the Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences (NMES). Student researchers took an active participant observation approach when reviewing the ICEA programme, drawing on social justice principles. This article explores the rationale for the programme and evaluates key outcomes from the first two years. It finds that by combining extensive training, flexibility in co-creating peer activities, and a department-focused approach, the programme has enthused and engaged stakeholders, and has enabled transformative learning experiences across the Faculty’s staff and student body. 


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