The connection between executive processing and career development


  • Seth C.W. Hayden
  • Debra S. Osborn
  • Kaitlin Costello



Career theory, Wellbeing, Mental health, Executive processing, Cognitive Information Theory


There is substantial evidence of the connection between career development and mental health. Executive processing, including associated feelings and thoughts, has been found to significantly impact career decision making and problem solving. This has implications for career practitioners tasked with addressing these complex concerns. Utilizing comprehensive frameworks that account for this connection is essential. Cognitive Information Processing theory (CIP; Sampson et al., 2020; Sampson et al., 2004) accounts for the interconnected elements of career and mental health, and specific dimensions of executive processing. Interventions derived from CIP as well as other approaches offer a structure in which to address executive processing elements influencing career development. Being intentional in assessing and addressing career-related thoughts and feelings enables a career practitioner to effectively and efficiently support those in need.


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