Advice on learning and work: What is a disadvantage, and how do you overcome it?
Adult guidance, Disadvantaged groups, Barriers, Career guidanceAbstract
The government’s plans for a universal careers advice service for adults address the needs of people across more than one spectrum. They aim to help the highly qualified and educated as well as those with minimal or perhaps no qualifications – and all between. They aim to help young and old adults and all between, and achieve continuity with careers advice services for young people. They aim to help those active and only slightly underachieving in the labour market as well as those who start far from it, perhaps having spent a long period out of work or never having worked – and all between. They aim to offer the same service to people with physical, psychological or socio-economic difficulties as to those without them.
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Copyright (c) 2009 Ruth Hawthorn, Judy Alloway
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